result count: 23

SC_423601_0Miss, is the [208286|Divine Fruit Juice] here rationed?
SC_423601_1Ha ha ha, come have a glass! Cheers!
SC_423601_10[104332|Larvanger Barkud] will come choose people?
SC_423601_11Yes, being chosen to enter the city is good. They have a more effective [208286|Divine Fruit Juice] there that makes me even stronger than I am now!\n\nNichi, are you dumb? How could you forget this part? Drink more [208286|Divine Fruit Juice]!
SC_423601_12... (He's mistaken you for someone else?)
SC_423601_13You look like you're struggling...
SC_423601_14Yeah, I can't help always wanting to drink the [208286|Divine Fruit Juice]...You, who are you? Where did you come from? (He nervously lowers his voice)\n\nI mean, how did you get in? There are [<S>104722|Grafu Patrolmen] and [<S>105017|Grafu Soldiers] guarding the village, and a stranger has never been able to enter.
SC_423601_15You're worried about me?
SC_423601_16...No, I'm stupid. If you have a way to get in, then of course you must be able to take care of yourself. But listen to me, don't touch the [208286|Divine Fruit Juice].\n\nThe reason... If I told you there was something that, if you didn't drink it for one day, would make your whole body go weak until you would crawl over broken glass to drink a drop; something that after drinking would make you forget the faces of your friends, and turn your personality from warm to violent, would you still want to drink it?
SC_423601_17OK, I understand. (He still retains his intellect and realizes something is different)
SC_423601_2Can you give me that glass?
SC_423601_3Give me? Give me what? Who cares, ha ha...I'll take a barrel of juice home to drink!
SC_423601_4(Your conversation is completely out of sync)
SC_423601_5Are you from [ZONE_GRYN_TOWNSHIP|Glinville]? Or did you come from [ZONE_CAMPBELL_TOWNSHIP|Kampel Town]?
SC_423601_6What did you say? [ZONE_CAMPBELL_TOWNSHIP|Kampel Town] only has [<S>208274|Divine Fruits], so I came here to enjoy life! I've already drunk 15 cups of [<S>208286|Divine Fruit Juice] today, and once I've digested that I'll drink some more!
SC_423601_7(He doesn't seem to understand your simple question)
SC_423601_8Is this [<S>208286|Divine Fruit Juice] unlimited?
SC_423601_9Of course! Thanks to Lord Grafu for giving us this endless [<S>208286|Divine Fruit Juice]...\n\nI must do well this time so that Larvanger will choose me to go into the [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Grafu Castle] where I can serve our great lord! Speaking of which, Larvanger should've come to the village to pick the lucky one. Why haven't I seen him yet?
Sys423601_nameVillage of Disorderly Revelry
Sys423601_szquest_accept_detailThis village gives off a strange atmosphere. I can feel...the jubilation is like walking on a wire, in danger of losing balance...instability...Could this place be another knot in the thread of fate?\n\nIf too many people talk to the villagers it may draw the notice of the sewer rats lurking in the darkness. So, [$PLAYERNAME], go talk with the people and bring back any useful information. [115391|Star of Karlan] and [116425|Toni] both praised you and said you were an expert at this, and Morrok also agrees. Would you like to show us your skills? did your best, my friend, didn't you?
Sys423601_szquest_descTalk with the villagers of [ZONE_GRYN_TOWNSHIP|Glinville].
Sys423601_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou know, the path of fate is elusive. I've seen more than most, but if you want to avoid a crisis, then intelligence is the most important bargaining chip.