result count: 9

SC_423616_1Your Majesty? Is it Your Majesty?
SC_423616_2Why do you seem different? Why?
SC_423616_3Yes...I've been dead for many years...
SC_423616_4You...can see me?
Sys423616_nameTraction of Fate
Sys423616_szquest_accept_detailI see the guidance of the stars through the darkness. A familiar village, buried in the haze of the past and the darkness of purgatory.\n\nThe more dilapidated a place, the more truth it hides. Dried blood and pungent dark cause the seeds of fate to sprout here.\n\nThe place is [ZONE_SPIRIT_VILLAGE|Ghost Village], once part of [ZONE_MYZENA_CITY|Mycenya City]. Ah, this time I must personally find the guidance of the stars in the cold ruins...\n\nAh, don't understand? Let me put it this way: We have to go to [ZONE_SPIRIT_VILLAGE|Ghost Village]. The instructions of fate are hidden in the ruins, waiting to be excavated.
Sys423616_szquest_complete_detailAn [208437|Old Diary Fragment]? Other than this, did anyone find anything else mysterious?\n\nThe guidance of the stars points to the future, and it may be difficult to understand. There will be many setbacks on the road to understanding the meaning of fate.\n\n[116792|Toni] doesn't look too good. Maybe he's impatient to find the meaning?\n\nPerhaps I should share this information with him first!
Sys423616_szquest_desc[116883|Ike Mania] wants you to go to [ZONE_SPIRIT_VILLAGE|Ghost Village] and find the items fate instructed.
Sys423616_szquest_uncomplete_detailReality hidden in the ruins of [ZONE_SPIRIT_VILLAGE|Ghost Village]? What could it be?