result count: 5

Sys423643_nameOld Ghost's Revenge
Sys423643_szquest_accept_detailI...trusted someone that I shouldn't have.\n\nBefore I died I was forced to cut and stitch, cut and stitch, day in, day out. The better I got at it, the more blood I spilled, and the more I killed, the more I yearned for death myself. My so-called "friend" told me he had a way out for me.\n\nHe took out a potion he'd been working on. He said it would give me a speedy and painless death... Desperately I quaffed it down and right away saw that I had been turned into a ghost and bound to my own corpse.\n\nAarrrggghhh! [105204|Conjurer Chapeaunoir], may evil magic boil your brains! May your soul be bound to the stinkiest outhouse in all the world!\n\nYoungster, his gift to me was betrayal and deceit. Help this old ghost take his revenge! Kill him and bring back his wand. I'll use it as a spell component to curse his rotting soul!
Sys423643_szquest_complete_detailFantastic! All his dark magic is contained in this wand and now it is mine! Now watch me turn him into an undead spirit! Hahahahaha!\n\nYour life's work was all for nothing, [105204|Conjurer Chapeaunoir]. You have laughed at me for the last time!
Sys423643_szquest_descHelp [116932|Corpse Doctor Edward] to take his revenge. Go to [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Grafu Castle], kill his former friend [105204|Conjurer Chapeaunoir], and bring back his [208689|Conjurer's Wicked Wand].
Sys423643_szquest_uncomplete_detail[105204|Conjurer Chapeaunoir], only your life can appease my agitated, hate-filled soul!