result count: 5

Sys423654_nameBad Neighbors
Sys423654_szquest_accept_detailSo you're not some kind of degenerate who's been sent here by those dirty Centaurs?\n\nI was mistaken, I shall convey your message to our chief. I thought that you were an outsider trying to offend me. Sorry, it's just because those Centaurs have done a lot of bad things, they have no respect for nature and they spend all day sneaking around doing God knows what.\n\n[104039|Griffith Blackstar the Corrupted Centaur] was especially active in harassing the local residents.\n\nI think there was a merchant in Rh'anka Village called [115626|Dachacha Mantiswing] who was looking for an adventurer to deal with those wretched Centaurs. \n\nPerhaps you would be interested to know what the people here think about them?
Sys423654_szquest_complete_detailAre you asking me about the Centaurs?\n\nThey hindered my business surveying camps in the north.\n\nThey stopped me on my way north and none of the merchants dared pass them.\n\nDo you want to get rid of them for me? It's for our own safety, those Centaurs are forever robbing passing merchants.\n\nOh yes, there's also something else you could help me with, adventurer, while you're "on your way".\n\n([115626|Dachacha Mantiswing 's] eyes gleam with excitement.)
Sys423654_szquest_descFind [115626|Dachacha Mantiswing] in Rh'anka Village and listen to what he has to say.
Sys423654_szquest_uncomplete_detailI don't really like those dirty Centaurs.