result count: 5

Sys423683_nameSplit Up
Sys423683_szquest_accept_detailYou know, us Rh'anka are all good people that like adventure and earning money!\n\nI recently learned from a reliable source that there is a secret cave somewhere in [ZONE_ZANKA_DUNE|Zanka's Dune] called '[ZONE_ZANKA_NEST|Zanka's Nest]'. That's where the [103129|Zanka] live.\n\n[103129|Zanka] is a giant reptile. It must have stored loads of treasure inside before it vanished.\n\nThis is what I have to offer, adventurer: I'll provide the clues, you provide the labor. Then we'll split the rewards when you find it. Don't worry about any accidents. I've already prepared 'everything'! So get moving.
Sys423683_szquest_complete_detailWow, you say there are creatures in the cave? I can't believe it, the Canines never lied to me before. You'd better not provoke them. Here's your pay.
Sys423683_szquest_desc[116777|Bigmouth Frogskin] wants you to go investigate around the [ZONE_ZANKA_NEST|Zanka's Nest]. Look for anything of value or any dangerous creatures.
Sys423683_szquest_uncomplete_detailGet moving.