result count: 8

SC_423706_1(Put your finger on the device.)
SC_423706_2(Ignore it.)
SC_423706_3(The device suddenly springs to life, and emits the low-pitched voice of a man.) \n\nAnnelia, it's almost time for you to learn how to improve the external appearance of works of art - I imagine this is something you'd be very interested in. \n\nYou love beautiful things, don't you?
Sys423706_nameTerrified Alice
Sys423706_szquest_accept_detailA long time ago, I didn't look as scary as I do now, until one day... I was dismembered and reassembled. The whole process was horrifying, and it still pains me to think of it even now.\n\nWhen I opened my eyes afterwards, I realized this ungodly, nauseating slab of meat had become my body, because the terrifying noise that came out of me sounded like the wailing of some wild creature.\n\nIs there anything here that will restore me to my old self? Can you help me?
Sys423706_szquest_complete_detailPlease, please, you have to help me... \n\nEven if it's just a small chance, I'll be willing to pay anything for you to give it a try.
Sys423706_szquest_descSearch in the [ZONE_FORGOTTEN_LANDS|Forgotten Place] to see if you can find anything that will help her regain her former appearance.
Sys423706_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou haven't experienced the shock of seeing your twisted, transformed body for the first time.