result count: 4

Sys423711_nameThe Heartbroken Mother
Sys423711_szquest_accept_detail(Her voice is full of sorrow)\n\ daughter...Are you alright? \n\nAh...are you...looking at me? Please, listen to me... \n\nI worked in [ZONE_MYZENA_CITY|Mycenya City], and lived in the village next to the castle with my daughter [116987|Eve Lillians]. My soul has been trapped here ever since the day [116569|Larvanger Barkud] brought the army and ransacked [ZONE_MYZENA_CITY|Mycenya City].\n\nI'm so worried about my daughter... The village is still safe isn't it? Little Eve managed to grow up, didn't she? I can't get back to the village. Please, you are the first person who has been able to see and talk to me... Please, go and see if she's alright...
Sys423711_szquest_complete_detailSob, sob... Who... who are you?
Sys423711_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_SPIRIT_VILLAGE|Ghost Village] and find out what happened to [116986|Anna Lillians'] daughter, [116987|Eve Lillians].