result count: 8

SC_423715_01Ah, my poor little Eve... \n\n([116986|Anna Lillians'] face flashes with anger.) \n\n[116569|Larvanger Barkud]! You and your thugs are all a bunch of murderers! I curse you! Your souls will never be at peace, and you will howl with pain every night for eternity! \n\nI want nothing more than to avenge Eve!
SC_423715_02(Please try to be calm. I understand how you're feeling, but you're...)
SC_423715_03(The expression on [116986|Anna Lillians'] face changes when she hears your words.)\n\n...I know what you want to say. I'm dead, and I'm not a big strong adventurer like you, and there's nothing I can do. \n\nBut I cannot rest, I cannot stand to see these killers just walking about in front of me. Please kill those murderers walking around outside [ZONE_MYZENA_CITY|Mycenya City]. Please avenge my daughter!
Sys423715_nameAvenging Eve
Sys423715_szquest_accept_detailAhh, my poor little Eve...\n\n(Her face flashes with anger.) \n\n[116569|Larvanger Barkud]! You and your thugs are all a bunch of murderers! I curse you! When your bodies grow cold, I will dig down to your coffins and rip out your hearts! Your souls will never be at peace, and you will howl with pain every night for eternity! \n\nI want to avenge Eve by ripping out their throats with my bare hands!
Sys423715_szquest_complete_detail(She gazes in the direction of the village, her eyes brimming with grief.) \n\nEve...
Sys423715_szquest_descAvenge [116987|Eve Lillians] by killing 5 [<S>104729|Suffering Puppet Soldiers] and 5 [<S>104730|Dark Souled Puppet Mages] outside [ZONE_MYZENA_CITY|Mycenya City].
Sys423715_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou murdering scums, I curse you!