result count: 5

Sys423737_nameA New Attempt
Sys423737_szquest_accept_detailUgh...\n\nHuh? You are... You're an adventurer, right? That's perfect! I've been wondering how to get someone to help me.\n\nDo you see that plant right in from of me? It is an imitation of the big tree in the back of [ZONE_CAMPBELL_TOWNSHIP|Kampel Town]. But no matter what I do, I can't get it to produce that red fruit. I think that maybe my gardening approach is not right...\n\nAll the dry earth fertilizer I used before sadly failed. This time I want to trying using fertilizer with a higher moisture content. The mud in [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH|Black Swamp Lake] should work well, but we have problems just getting past the carcasses, let alone digging up mud from under the jaws of those alligators.\n\nBut for an adventurer these problems should be a piece of cake, right?
Sys423737_szquest_complete_detailYes! Yes! Yes! It is just this color mud. You've really gone through a lot of trouble helping me.
Sys423737_szquest_descGo to the bank of [ZONE_BLACK_MARSH|Black Swamp Lake] and help [116648|Bamut Grey] retrieve 10 piles of [208549|Black Swamp Lake Ooze].
Sys423737_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow exactly does that tree develop?