result count: 21

SC_423755_1Little Sparrow...You've come back to me after all this time? Quick, come have a touching reunion with your dear father!
SC_423755_10I thought this moment would never come! [116585|Ike], make haste and take your father's remains away!
SC_423755_11Father, I will act as your hands and drive these devils off.
SC_423755_12At long last, it's all over!
SC_423755_13Let's go and bury your father together, [116585|Ike]!
SC_423755_14Thank you, [115391|Star of Karlan], for all your help in our mutual struggle!
SC_423755_15I must go on ahead. Seek me out once you get to the [ZONE_ABANDONED_CAMPS|Abandoned Camp]!
SC_423755_16Let's go, [116585|Ike]! There's still much that needs to be done!
SC_423755_2Shut up! I won't stand idly by while you continue to slander my father!
SC_423755_3Don't be angry, [116585|Ike]! We'll get revenge together!
SC_423755_4Ha! If you think you can do it, then by all means be my guest and give it a shot!
SC_423755_5What! Little Sparrow...Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself? Someone so feeble thinking of revenge...
SC_423755_6Looks like that weakling beside you...Just so-so!
SC_423755_7I shall take back my father's body and suffer your humiliations no longer!
SC_423755_8Is that a fact? Ahhhh, I can still recall how you looked when you were young! Staring back at me with those timid red eyes of yours!
SC_423755_9We're going to wipe that smile off your face by joining forces and defeating you! Kill your master! Exact vengeance for our past!
Sys423755_szquest_accept_detail[115391|Star of Karlan], Teacher [115065|Arde Silverstar] once said that you are the key to toppling [115392|Star of Emir], which would allow me to defeat this devil and end my terrible nightmare. \n\nAs for that demonic spirit, [105351|Larvanger Barkud]...Despite my abhorrence, I have never been able to escape his grasp or get revenge for my father. However, luck is shining down on us, for we've now been handed a perfect opportunity. I've already contacted [117159|Mofila]. Together, we will squeeze the life out of him with our own hands. \n\nBut [116800|Toni] is a different situation altogether, and much more will be required. It will demand meticulous navigation of the most complicated of terrain: royal honor. Thus, I require that you place yourself under the authority of the Lionheart Knights. Join with us to obtain his life, and we will once more restore his glory.
Sys423755_szquest_complete_detailThe course of destiny has been corrected!\n\nAh, [115391|Star of Karlan], thanks for your assistance. Here is your well-deserved reward! \n\nI've passed on the news of your assistance to [116800|Toni]. From here on out, if there's anything you need help with, just come to the black market and find us!
Sys423755_szquest_descJoin forces with [117105|Ike Mania] to defeat [105351|Larvanger Barkud].
Sys423755_szquest_uncomplete_detailI do not intend to violate [116800|Toni's] regal authority, so I need your help!\n\nLet's go! That devil must pay for his terrible deeds.