result count: 9

SC_423809_01Does the "Ice God" have some special meaning?
SC_423809_02He is a god that we believe in. His magic is boundless and he is one of the great Lalusu. \n\nHe uses the powerful magic of snow and ice to defeat the Snake Demon and protects us villagers from the damage caused by it. For a long time, the snakes nearby were very peaceful. No one knows why they have caused such a disturbance recently. \n\nAt a time like this, one must pray for the protection of the Ice God as well as rely on his skills in battle.
SC_423809_03The Ice God was once a Lalusu in our village. He subdued the Giant Snake Demon that occupied the area deep within the marshes. He also suppressed the arrogant slobs from Xaviera. \n\nLong ago, those people would often come and harass our village. However, ever since the Ice God emerged from the sea and used his mighty magic, they have been stuck in defeat. Finally, Xaviera became the Ice God's territory. Not long after, the Ice God gave Xaviera to his sister to look after. The Ice God's sister drew a boundary line. Tribespeople are not allowed to cross the upper reaches of the Zapa River, otherwise she will descend and bring punishment to the village. \n\nIf it was me, however, I wouldn't want to go to that village with those contemptible slobs. I don't care how long it's been.
SC_423809_04The Ice God is a great protector of our people. Legend has it that he was once a Lalusu of our tribe. In order to pursue greater power, he set out to sea. A few years later, his sister went to follow him and left the village. After their time out at sea, the two mastered a powerful magic. The Ice God's magic of the ice and snow was especially powerful. He used this power to subdue the Giant Snake Demon and protect the village from the harassment of the people of Xaviera. \n\nAfter emerging from the sea, the Ice God and his sister became immortal. Our ancestors believed that they had become gods and therefore held many different types of ceremonies to commemorate their contributions. For example, our tribe's "Rite of Passage" is to pay tribute to the Ice God's triumph over the Giant Snake Demon.
Sys423809_nameUnheard Song Lyrics
Sys423809_szquest_accept_detailOoh... I care deeply about some of the words in these lyrics, however. \n\nThere is always mention of the Ice God in their songs, but in my impression, other places don't have any deities similar to this one. \n\nSong lyrics can reflect the customs and history of an area. Since the Ice God appears so often in their songs, this god's existence must be very important to the Lyonsyde people. It would great if we could find out more information. Then I could find out more about the meaning of this song. \n\nI must ask you again to go and find out more information from the local residents. Can you do that?
Sys423809_szquest_complete_detailSo that's what is. It has that kind of meaning! \n\n(He writes incessantly on a piece of paper) \n\nThis is really fascinating!
Sys423809_szquest_descAsk the residents and the tribe chief to teach you the meaning of the song.
Sys423809_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat do these words mean?..I really must know.