result count: 7

SC_423812_01[117391|Hanna Pint] wanted me to come and collect herbs from you.
SC_423812_02Her again? More and more people have been coming to find me recently. They say they have been entrusted to bring back herbs. The one who sent them to do this is the Elf called [117391|Hanna Pint]. \n\nI know that the area near the [ZONE_WILDERNESS_POST|Desert Waystation] is very dangerous, but the demand for herbs is still that high? \n\nForget it, forget it. Fortunately I'm quite clever. I stored up some dried herbs in case there was ever a time of need. Why don't you take this bag and give it to her.
Sys423812_nameMore Supplies
Sys423812_szquest_accept_detailI have received information that there are more and more sub-humans seeking asylum. They lack enough supplies at the [ZONE_SECLUDED_CLIFF|Valley of Tranquility] to make ends meet. In particular, demand for medicinal herbs has gone up a lot. Even though I just asked someone to delivery emergency herbs, supply still does not meet demand.\n\nI need you to go to [117399|Shafay Zilun] in the [ZONE_WILDERNESS_RESEARCH_CAMP|Desert Investigation Post] and ask for more herbs. Wait for them to gather the other supplies and then deliver them all to the sub-humans.
Sys423812_szquest_complete_detailThank you, friend. May you receive the blessings of the Holy King.
Sys423812_szquest_descGo to [117399|Shafay Zilun] in the [ZONE_WILDERNESS_RESEARCH_CAMP|Desert Investigation Post] and get more herbs.
Sys423812_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou still haven't found [117399|Shafay Zilun]? He is at the [ZONE_WILDERNESS_RESEARCH_CAMP|Desert Investigation Post].