result count: 4

Sys423822_nameSpecial Medicine?
Sys423822_szquest_accept_detailAdd a little young grass powder, then some Liding powder...\n\n(He talks to himself as he prepares the potion.)\n\nThere, it's finished!\n\n(The "potion" in the bottle emits a spooky, green florescent color and bubbles continuously.)\n\nOh... I know you doubt the effectiveness of this stuff. But I pledge on my reputation as an herbalist that it will work. Take it quickly to Deputy Captain Fanger and have him drink it. It will calm his nerves a great deal and allow him to relax.
Sys423822_szquest_complete_detailUgh... This potion, he wanted you to bring it to me..?\r\n\r\n(The corner of Fanger's mouth twitched slightly.) \r\n\r\nLet me first thank you... I'll set it aside for now...
Sys423822_szquest_descGive the finished potion to Fanger.