result count: 5

Sys423864_nameAfternoon Tea With Nicole
Sys423864_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], let's have afternoon tea together again today!\n\nCan I ask you to help me pick some hibiscus again today? Don't pick too much. Fresh hibiscus is the best. While you're picking flowers, Nicole will bake the cookies.\n\n<CS> It is a small favor, but it would make her like you. Maybe she and you can become good friends.</CS>
Sys423864_szquest_complete_detailThe cookies are ready, and you've brought the hibiscus, now I just need to boil the water...Oh, my teapot...found it! Wait a minute! It'll be ready soon!\n\n(You watch Nicole bustle around for a while, then bring out tea and cookies)\n\nAfternoon tea is ready, let's eat...
Sys423864_szquest_descHelp [117291|Nicole Rebecca] pick some hibiscus for tea! Eat cookies with her when you get back!\n\n<CS> It is a trifling thing, but it would make her like you. Maybe she and you can become good friends.</CS>
Sys423864_szquest_uncomplete_detailLittle cookies, little cookies, creamy and soft, sweet little cookies...\n\nHibiscus, hibiscus, bright red, tart hibiscus...\n\n(She hums as she bakes the cookies you're about to eat, and doesn't notice you)