result count: 5

Sys423933_nameDismantle the Traps
Sys423933_szquest_accept_detailHumans are filled with boundless desire. There have been times in the past when they've destroyed a land's ecosystem just for the sake of cultivation. And we can't say we bear no responsibility, given that we isolated ourselves from the world.\n\nThose dangerous traps not only harm the young animals in the valley, they also increase the risks of researchers passing through. I don't understand why these [<S>117387|Dangerous Traps] were buried there in the first place, but I recommend we divide up and disarm them before something more dangerous happens.
Sys423933_szquest_complete_detailThank you, friend. I'm very grateful that you sprang into action without having to say another word. I pray that the Holy King bestow his blessings upon both you and this great land.
Sys423933_szquest_descEnter Shuma Valley. Find and disarm 5 [<S>117387|Dangerous Traps].
Sys423933_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe traps are scattered throughout the valley. You can spot them just by moving through the area.