result count: 5

Sys423938_nameSimple Self-Defense Tool
Sys423938_szquest_accept_detailThere doesn't seem to be suitable lumber near the camp. The logging area to the south and the mountainside even further south has [<S>117385|Moderately-Sized Wood]. Regardless of the size, the lumber is good enough to make snake clubs that can provide basic self-defense. These will be handed out to adventures passing through the area. They are even more needed at present given how we are being overrun with snakes.\n\nWatch out for fierce animals. Take the lumber to [ZONE_INDOM_CAMP|Yngmur Camp] for cutting. Thanks!
Sys423938_szquest_complete_detailYou've done good work. Thank you for your support. You did me a big favor.
Sys423938_szquest_descHelp the Reserve Team Adventurer collect 10 pieces of [117385|Moderately-Sized Wood].
Sys423938_szquest_uncomplete_detailMaybe you shouldn't bother me with trivial details. Open your eyes and look in [ZONE_MASTRO_WOODLAND|Mestro Woodlands].