result count: 5

Sys423943_nameChase Off the Troublemakers
Sys423943_szquest_accept_detailThank you, adventurer. If you aren't in a hurry, could you help me with a small problem? The area has many [<S>105169|Mischievous Gulos]. Although they're very friendly, they often steal or bite our things when we aren't looking, sometimes even breaking them! But the chief says that they are cute and can't bear to chase them away. That's why I need your help!\n\nI've made a few [<S>209010|Pepper Bombs] to frighten them. There's no need to kill them. But if you aren't careful... Either way is fine with me...
Sys423943_szquest_complete_detailOh, thank you. I wonder how effective it will be. Just now I found that my boot has again been carried off somewhere... It's so annoying.
Sys423943_szquest_descUse the [<S>209010|Pepper Bombs] to frighten the [<S>105169|Mischievous Gulos] in hopes that they will behave a little.
Sys423943_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf it were ok I'd really like to kill them... What I mean is... Just frightening them a little will be fine...