result count: 5

Sys424035_nameNolika's Research
Sys424035_szquest_accept_detailI need some [<S>207302|Southern Ferns]. This plant builds up on a lot of monsters, so bring me back some when you're out adventuring! Also, I need some [<S>209460|Sticky Gum]. Because of the Craft Festival, a lot of trees have been felled. I think you should be able to find some in those [<S>117250|Broken Branches].
Sys424035_szquest_complete_detail17, 18, 19, 20. Just right!\nThis is my new creation. Take it as my thanks!\n\n(Ask Nolika what this potion does.)\n\nUm...I don't know! Try it and see! Ha ha...
Sys424035_szquest_descHelp [117252|Nolika] collect some [<S>207302|Southern Ferns] and [<S>209460|Sticky Gum].
Sys424035_szquest_uncomplete_detailWith more materials I can try more recipes! Great!