result count: 5

Sys424079_nameCollect Materials
Sys424079_szquest_accept_detailWhile you were going to [ZONE_FLAMING_GARDENS|Inferno Gardens], the Eye of Wisdom sent us a request asking for manpower. \n\nThey say that the Eye of Wisdom is currently conducting a research project. They need a large amount of [<S>209279|Demon Bloom Essences] to use as research material, so they need us to provide people to help them collect some. However, you're the only one that I can send, [$playername]. Are you willing to take on this task?
Sys424079_szquest_complete_detailVery good. Our work will be easier with these [<S>209279|Demon Bloom Essences].
Sys424079_szquest_descObtain 10 [<S>209279|Demon Bloom Essences] and give them to [117797|Zirden Sayen] of the Eye of Wisdom.
Sys424079_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis isn't enough to meet the needs of our research. You must collect more.