result count: 7

SC_424103_1A sound comes from the box as if something is shaking it from the inside.
SC_424103_2Whew... It's a good thing you found me... *pant* *pant*... Listen to me... Something very bad has happened.
Sys424103_szquest_accept_detailThe safest thing would have been to take that pot away as soon as we found it! \n\nAbout the pot's whereabouts. Those [<S>105478|Avaricious Adventurers] are looked after by a [117958|Black Market Merchant]. He is always after the garnet stones and other valuable items in these ruins. \n\nI already sent [118209|Hangla] to get in touch with those people, but he hasn't come back yet...It makes me worried! Can you help me and go find out what's going on? Those people always gather at a rest station by the road in the north. He went that direction.
Sys424103_szquest_complete_detailWhew. It's a good thing you're here, otherwise I don't know how long I'd be locked up for!
Sys424103_szquest_descFind [118120|Hangla]
Sys424103_szquest_uncomplete_detailI often see [117958|Black Market Merchant] in the north interacting with those [<S>105478|Avaricious Adventurers].