result count: 6

SC_424144_1You have already collected the necessary materials. Take them back to Apollo as soon as possible!
Sys424144_nameRefined Spice Mix
Sys424144_szquest_accept_detailOh, so you know this good stuff, too! Ha ha ha...\nYou were right to find me, "Apollo". Friends should help each other, right? But can I ask you to help me with something first?\n\nDoctor [117680|Peter Myers] needs some special medical supplies, and asked me to bring some this time. It's no trouble for me, of course, but the problem is that we were attacked by corpses just as we were delivering the goods to the camp...\n\nMy good friend! Can you go help me look for it? It may be in that wreckage. I'm not doing this for my reputation or for money, but for those injured people who are suffering!\n\nIf you can help me find these things, then I'll give you a free bottle of [209409|Refined Spice Mix], OK?
Sys424144_szquest_complete_detailOh! Thank you for your hard work. These things aren't cheap!\n\n...I mean there are injured people waiting for these things!\n\nCome! This bottle of rare spices is for you. What do you think? Next time you run into trouble, come find me!
Sys424144_szquest_descHelp Senior Merchant [117685|Bierus Bol] recover his lost goods.
Sys424144_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you look through the wreckage carefully?\n\nSigh! When I think of the suffering of those injured adventurers, I feel so sad!