result count: 7

SC_424152_0Replace [<S>209426|Rune Energy Crystals]...
SC_424152_1Energy source full. No need to change energy crystals.
Sys424152_nameWater Demand
Sys424152_szquest_accept_detailDo you want some water to drink? Come, ladle some out of the vat for yourself. \n\nI know a well is a convenient water source. It saves on the costs of rune stones and mage manpower that is required to operate a water collection machine powered by rune energy, but you must realize that this is a historical site. You can't just dig a hole anywhere you want. I know this makes things more difficult, but we have to keep it up in order to preserve the integrity of the buried relics. \n\nIf you don't have anything to do, can you help me by going to the steam-filled upper levels and replacing the [<S>209426|Rune Energy Crystals] in the [118047|Waterlure Rune Magic Machine] with new ones before they're used up? Water is used up at an alarming pace here. The [<S>209426|Rune Energy Crystals] go quickly as well. I hope you will hurry. I will reward you for your efforts.
Sys424152_szquest_complete_detailThank you. This is your reward.
Sys424152_szquest_descTake the 5 [<S>209426|Rune Energy Crystals] given to you by [118056|Dawa Kana] and go to the steam-filled upper levels. Find the [118047|Waterlure Rune Magic Machine], replace 5 of the [<S>209456|Smashed Rune Energy Crystals] and bring back the old ones. \n\nThe [118047|Waterlure Rune Magic Machine] is at the stone staircase where many [<S>105445|Ominous Blood Spiders] are gathered. The staircase looks like it goes all the way up to the heavens.
Sys424152_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis type of [209426|Rune Energy Crystal] is produced when energy runes crystallize. The crystals then shatter when their energy is used up.