result count: 5

Sys424299_nameA Filling Meal
Sys424299_szquest_accept_detailStranger...Can you help me? I don't have the energy to walk...Can you bring some me? \n\nBefore, my grandmother...would take these...horrible [<S>105668|Doomsayers] and roast them...until they became delicious...roasted wings. Can you help...bring some to me...? Just a little bit is enough...I'm begging you...
Sys424299_szquest_complete_detailMmmm, yes this is the smell! I haven't had this for a long time. Thank you very much!
Sys424299_szquest_descPlease roast 3 [<S>240207|Delicious Doomsayer Wings] for [118313|Candona] at the fire pit near the village.
Sys424299_szquest_uncomplete_detailI'm so hungry...I can't walk...