result count: 4

Sys424383_nameAn Explanation to the Mayor
Sys424383_szquest_accept_detailWe're here! I still have some things I need to do. I must ask you to find the village mayor. Explain the problem with the corpses and [ZONE_SARDO_BASTILLE|Sardo Castle]. See if the mayor has any ideas how to solve it. \n\nWe have found some interesting information from the files that were found in the laboratory and in [ZONE_SARDO_BASTILLE|Sardo Castle]. We've already shown it to the mayor, so while you're at it, you can talk to him about it. All you have to do is go and talk about everything that you've discovered. It's important that he fully understands.
Sys424383_szquest_complete_detail...Yes, so you could say they weren't collecting the bodies for good, they were actually using them for sinister purposes...
Sys424383_szquest_descSpeak with the mayor about the truce and evil acts occurring at [ZONE_SARDO_BASTILLE|Sardo Castle]. Then ask him to explain to the villagers the need to stop picking up the bodies and taking them to [ZONE_SARDO_BASTILLE|Sardo Castle].