result count: 4

Sys424412_nameNew Alliance
Sys424412_szquest_accept_detail([119381|Callaway Kalume] looks at the eyes of each principality representative and nods his head.) \n\nNow that everyone agrees, I will declare that [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] and other principalities will stand at the battlefront with the true dragons and take a stand against [113729|Maderoth] and his evil plot! However, I hope that after the two sides begin cooperating, the true dragons can divulge their information. If they have too many secrets hidden from us, then it will be difficult for us to help them effectively. \n\n[$playername], you can now go to the [ZONE_VALLEY_OF_SERENITY|Secluded Valley] and pass on our message! Afterwards, I need you to make a trip to [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] and tell the decision to [114869|Simon Dibark] yourself. That will allow him to get a headstart on making preparations. This matter is very important. I can't just send a normal messenger. It must be someone that I can trust. You must go yourself.
Sys424412_szquest_complete_detailYou're back. What did [119381|Callaway Kalume] say?
Sys424412_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_VALLEY_OF_SERENITY|Secluded Valley] and tell [119386|Morrok Wallinder] the good news.