result count: 4

Sys424437_nameGiant Frog
Sys424437_szquest_accept_detailThere must be a reason for such a gigantic frog. Take it to the village and give it to someone who is interested in things like this! \n\n(The slimy feeling is nauseating...)
Sys424437_szquest_complete_detailWooha... This leg is huge. It's unthinkable. Such a large frog would feed the entire village! Haha! \n\nWait a moment! This frog has some type of drug in its body! Oooh, let me see! This is really terrible. This drug is the one the evil demons of [ZONE_SARDO_BASTILLE|Sardo Castle] use! No wonder these frogs are so...big! \n\nIf you see any more in the future, bring them back to me! I need to do some research and find out more about this type of drug!
Sys424437_szquest_descTake this frog leg to someone in the village who would be interested in it.