result count: 5

Sys424444_namePresent for a Grandson
Sys424444_szquest_accept_detailTomorrow is my grandson's eighth birthday. His favorite thing is the sweet corn pie that I make for him. That is why I say this pie is very important. It's just that I'm not able to walk long distances. I must ask someone to take this gift to my daughter. If it's on your way, can you help me take this to [ZONE_PIRANHA_PORT|Piranha Port]? \n\nSigh... It's been so long since I've seen my cute little grandson. I hope this present will make him have a happy eigth birthday. He hasn't had his grandmother's sweet corn pie in a long time...\n\nThe road from this village to [ZONE_PIRANHA_PORT|Piranha Port] is usually not a smooth one, not to mention that there are often attacks on it by gnolls and thieves. I wouldn't dream of going too far from the village without someone to protect me. The main work in the [ZONE21_01|Kingdom of Lechif] is to arrest rebels... Sigh... When will those terrifying thieves finally be eradicated?
Sys424444_szquest_complete_detailThis... This is a sweet corn pie made by my mother... I miss this smell so much. You know? I've tried to learn it so many times, but I can't...\n\n([118953|Shameer Allenden] carefully wipes away the tears in her eyes.)\n\nLittle Tim will be thrilled when he hears of this! This really is the best gift! If those thieves weren't so cruel, I would certainly go and spend time with my mother.
Sys424444_szquest_descTake the present to the daughter in [ZONE_PIRANHA_PORT|Piranha Port].
Sys424444_szquest_uncomplete_detailHuh? How do you know when Little Tim's birthday is?