result count: 13

SC_424510_0The two representatives, [119018|Midonor] and [119019|Jasmin "Firefly" Angerfang], are good at staying hidden and conducting secret investigations. That is why their information is being gathered around [ZONE21_01|Kingdom of Lechif] by two parties.
SC_424510_2Go, time is valuable.
SC_424510_3[119020|Iswan Giant] and the knight, you two begin searching the village nearby, understand?
SC_424510_4Yes, Knight, we will discuss this in a moment.
SC_424510_5As for [119016|Jessie Mocliff]...
SC_424510_6Wait. Your majesty the King, [118263|General Lance] accounts for me. I will always be by your side, ensuring your safety.
SC_424510_7I know, I know! Then you and [119017|Panilor] can follow me! We will reconvene later at the nearby village!
Sys424510_nameNew Policy
Sys424510_szquest_accept_detail(The King is quiet for a moment...) \n\nKnight, please go and notify the other two principality representatives to come here. I have a new policy that I would like to tell everyone.
Sys424510_szquest_complete_detailNow that everyone is here, I will begin to split people into groups to carry out certain tasks. \n\nSince the current situation in the [ZONE21_01|Kingdom of Lechif] is unknown, and to bring safety into consideration, I want to use small groups to conduct investigations. \n\nThe items to be investigated are as follows: First the connection between [ZONE_SARDO_BASTILLE|Sardo Castle] and [ZONE21_01|Kingdom of Lechif]. Second, solid information about [ZONE21_01|Kingdom of Lechif]. After each group has collected enough information, the investigation will take a new course depending on your findings.
Sys424510_szquest_descFind Angren representative [119040|Midonor] and Limon representative [119035|Jasmin "Firefly" Angerfang].
Sys424510_szquest_uncomplete_detail(It seems that the King is thinking...)