result count: 5

Sys424522_nameStrange Gooseberries
Sys424522_szquest_accept_detailAre you one of <CY>Ailic's Pirates</CY> too? I can't remember ever having seen you around before.\n\nWhen you go back to camp, could you pluck a few [<S>201554|Prickly Canyon Figs] on your way and give them to [122552|Kakadi Scarface] in the camp?\n\nOh, and one other thing... when you're plucking them, watch out for attacks from [<S>108427|Canyon Gooseberry Males]! Just keep your wits about you.
Sys424522_szquest_complete_detailWhy... why are you bringing them to me?\n\nAnd why so few? Where the heck is <CY>Ankila</CY>?\n\nHmm! She's always off doing her own little investigations! That's it, I've had enough! Why'm I not allowed to be there?
Sys424522_szquest_descPluck some [<S>122559|Canyon Gooseberries], collect the [<S>201554|Prickly Canyon Figs] and give them to [122552|Kakadi Scarface].
Sys424522_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhy so few?\n\nI bet <CY>Ankila</CY> completely forgot what I told her!