result count: 7

SC_424568_01Show [119055|Bart Milton] [240576|Shana Port's Token] and explain your reason for coming.
SC_424568_02Child, are you drunk?!
Sys424568_nameFind out Will's Whereabouts
Sys424568_szquest_accept_detailIf you look at it from the information that I have already collected, I don't think there is enough to give you the most direct or useful information. \n\nYes! I think this would be better! \n\nListen. There is a wine seller named [119055|Bart Milton] at the market at Toron Bridge. After you find him, you just need to give the letter that I gave to you to him. We will then tell you all that he knows. \n\nDo your best to find all the clues you can. We will put all our efforts into helping you.
Sys424568_szquest_complete_detailThe fact that the Imperial Army has suddenly increased their defenses of Dalinham Castle seems very suspicious. But... Meanwhile numerous incidents involving thieves are happening inside the city... \n\nTherefore, it's very difficult for me to confirm that the strengthening of the royal defenses is connected with [SC_ZONE21_01|Crown Prince Will].
Sys424568_szquest_descTake [240576|Shana Port's Token] to the rebel informant, [119055|Bart Milton], and speak with him.
Sys424568_szquest_uncomplete_detailWith risk and other troubles taken into consideration, every informant only knows information that he or she needs to know. \n\nEven if he is willing to believe you, he won't be able to tell you more.