result count: 9

SC_424576_01It seems that you have captured the wrong target. Please abandon the quest and try again!
SC_424576_02The seed can't be used. You aren't in the area designated by [119061|John Carter]!
SC_424576_03Bah! I never would have thought that you would use such contemptible methods!
SC_424576_04I thought you were a hero!
Sys424576_nameRaid the Ankes Gang
Sys424576_szquest_accept_detailYes! Perhaps we can use the fact that [119056|Ankes Strangeclaw] loves to do battle to create our arrangement! \n\nFirst, you must go to the gang's base and provoke them. Then perhaps then it will be unavoidable to fight with thief underlings... However, I believe with your abilities, you can certainly cause [119056|Ankes Strangeclaw] to make a mistake in battle. \n\nWe can't take the next step until the first one is complete...
Sys424576_szquest_complete_detailHaha! The battle ability of the Supreme Knights really isn't simple! \n\nI never would have thought that the matter could be taken care of so effortlessly...
Sys424576_szquest_descFollow [119061|John Carter's] plan and go to the thieves' base to provoke them.
Sys424576_szquest_uncomplete_detailUse your battle abilities to draw the attention of [119056|Ankes Strangeclaw]. That is the key to the success of our plan...