result count: 5

Sys424608_nameResource Disappearance
Sys424608_szquest_accept_detailHuh? It's empty again? I don't think I used that many? This is very strange. Someone couldn't be stealing the research samples, could they? I'm more suspicious the more I think about it. That must be what happened. [119363|Pomini Ripclaw] also uses these blocks for research. I've always suspected her. Hmmm! However, she never admits it. Next time I'll catch her red-handed! \n\nBut how can I get more now? Knight, come think about it!
Sys424608_szquest_complete_detailThis, this really is... Knight, you have probably dealt with other researchers who have ulterior motives, but you really are a good person! I really appreciate your help!
Sys424608_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_PROCESSING_PLANT:_LAPRIG|Laphraag Production Plant] and get 10 [<S>240856|Rune Storage Cubes]. Then give them to [119917|Famam Wormbeard].
Sys424608_szquest_uncomplete_detailMaybe it's [119730|Jajash Wormfoot]. I heard that he has also been using the energy from the blocks to make traps for the guardians. Hmph! Everyone knows that there aren't many blocks where he is. Where does he get them then? Doesn't this seem bizarre?