result count: 5

Sys424635_nameActing Props
Sys424635_szquest_accept_detailIn order to cast away all doubts the fishermen have about the [ZONE_VALLEY_OF_SERENITY|Secluded Valley], we will prepare some food to give to those who bring [240629|Heart of the Ocean] to trade. This way they will have a more normal impression about the [ZONE_VALLEY_OF_SERENITY|Secluded Valley]. I need you to go to the southwest of [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass] and help me hunt some [<S>105994|Plains Tatani] that live there. Bring back some fresh Tatani meat and, after I process it with elements, we can give it to the fishermen who have come here to sell fish. Remember, it must be fresh. The power of the elements can effect changes, but there's nothing to be done if it's too far gone!
Sys424635_szquest_complete_detailThat's right. These are the freshest materials. Now I will make it into a gift that can be distributed to the fishermen...
Sys424635_szquest_descObtain some [240630|Fresh Tatani Meat] and bring it back to [119234|Anfetell] before it goes bad.
Sys424635_szquest_uncomplete_detailTatani meat goes bad very quickly, so you must use it when it is at its freshest.