result count: 4

Sys424803_nameWoodcutting Skills
Sys424803_szquest_accept_detailYou're pretty good at finding herbs. Next go learn woodcutting!\n\n[119906|Chantholl von Jura] may have a harsh tone, but he's actually a very patient teacher, so don't be afraid! If you think he's scolding you, that's just means he believes you can do better.\n\nAct like a man! Don't be afraid of getting yelled at!
Sys424803_szquest_complete_detailAre you really determined to learn woodcutting?\n\nWood takes a long time to grow. Felling trees without damaging the ecosystem is delicate work and requires attention to detail.
Sys424803_szquest_descLearn woodcutting from Woodcutting Instructor [119906|Chantholl von Jura].