result count: 9

SC_425023_0[241079|Ancient Silver Coin] disappeared!
SC_425023_1Have you really seen a "miracle?"\n\nI think you're too timid. You probably just turned tail and ran off, am I right?
SC_425023_2You must have forgotten something!\n\nI have another [241079|Ancient Silver Coin]. If you find something special, it's most likely the gift that the "miracle" brought us...
SC_425023_3You sense the sharpened eyesight of [120245|Logden Darkstove] bearing down on you...
Sys425023_nameMysterious Silver Coin
Sys425023_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], can I look at that silver coin in your hand?\n\nI'm sorry; I mean no ill will! Actually, when I was young, my grandfather gave me a scroll that had a charcoal rubbing that looked the same as that coin. I think you're the person I'm looking for!\n\nAccording to the scroll, if you take this coin to the waterfall in Old Hangrar Ore Mine and clean it, a "miracle" will appear! If you don't believe it, why not go try?
Sys425023_szquest_complete_detailYou ran into [106674|Rift Geshpar]? Did you defeat him? Did you get the [241080|Rift Crystal]?\n\nQuickly...give it to me!\n\n([119881|Bodus Shadowhook] snatches the [241080|Rift Crystal] from your hands!)\n\nAh! I'm sorry I panicked...I really need this crystal. It's the most difficult to obtain ingredient for my family recipe. I'm sorry I used you, but I'm really unable to defeat [106674|Rift Geshpar], and this was the only way I could think of...\n\nI beg you, please give me the [241080|Rift Crystal]. Let me complete the ancestral recipe...
Sys425023_szquest_descGo to the Old Hangrar Ore Mine waterfall and clean the [241079|Ancient Silver Coin].
Sys425023_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat kind of "miracle"?\n\nThe scroll didn't say anything about this. You tell me after you go try!