result count: 5

Sys425083_nameRequest Rescue
Sys425083_szquest_accept_detail[$playername]! Just now, a lot of monsters started pouring out from [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock], and we couldn't hold them off. Fortunately, [120365|Kemo Silvering] and [120364|Sakuchi Blackhammer] joined forces to drive them back into [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock]. Hurry! I'm afraid they won't last long!\n\nGo directly into [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock] to help [120365|Kemo Silvering]! He needs you!
Sys425083_szquest_complete_detailI...was too weak after all...\n\nMy ancestor, [SC_Z31_NPC_04|Saces Silvering], please forgive your incompetent descendant...
Sys425083_szquest_descEnter [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock] to help [120365|Kemo Silvering].
Sys425083_szquest_uncomplete_detailThese damn monsters are endless! Hold your ground!