result count: 10

SC_425109_AYou need to get closer!
SC_425109_BYou are not in the specified area!
SC_425109_CYou don't have the appropriate rune for these symptoms!
SC_425109_DUnder your care, the patient returned to a stable condition!
SC_425109_EThe patient's symptoms seem to have been relieved, but he is still unstable.
Sys425109_nameTake Good Care
Sys425109_szquest_accept_detailAre you free now?\n\nIf so, come help me! Don't just stand there watching!\n\nThe battle with the guardians seems to be very fierce. Not only that, but there are also flame element burns and some strange bites and scratches. Any injuries that can't be handled on the front lines are sent here.\n\nThese patients need attentive care, but there are so many of them that we don't have enough manpower. If you can help, then do so quickly!
Sys425109_szquest_complete_detailI wouldn't have thought you could be so attentive!\n\nYou have been a big help. When these warriors have recovered I'll tell them that you took care of them personally.
Sys425109_szquest_descHelp [120072|Kayme Susan] care for the patients in the [ZONE_REST_BLOCK|Rest Area].
Sys425109_szquest_uncomplete_detailTreating the wounded requires a lot of patience...\n\nIf you're tired, take a break first!