result count: 16

SC_Z24Q425119_1Tell me, what happened here?
SC_Z24Q425119_10Haha, of course I can tell you! But what advantage will this situation bring me? Take a look at the Elf girl in the back. Making a girl blush is not terribly interesting, is it? It seems that I am the first ghost you ever met who is a perfect gentleman.\n\nAs far as I can infer, the Holy Tree Sapling can't have been hidden very far away. It must have been concealed by some rune magic of Maderoth, but it's not impossible to find. Then the other question is how to get it back.
SC_Z24Q425119_11What will be the problem?
SC_Z24Q425119_12About that...if you come with me, you'll see. That thing has been hidden in the Guardians' camp, how boring. If you want to look for it, I'll take you there...for free!
SC_Z24Q425119_2You're asking me for something, but with such an impolite tone?!\n\nWell, of course they've been attacked by Maderoth's Punishers. Are there any other enemies around here? Can I go hit them with a stick?
SC_Z24Q425119_3Stop making lame jokes, those people don't really feel like it.
SC_Z24Q425119_4How keen, I am surprised!\n\nIndeed, those people were attacked by Punishers, but they were killed by "people".\n\nThere have been increasing cases of defection among the Alliance troops recently. If I obtained something very powerful, for example a [241618|Holy Tree Sapling], and then defected - I could gain a lot from Maderoth's side. I could even be promoted to a high position in his army. What do you think about such a deal? I think it sounds good.
SC_Z24Q425119_5How would anybody know about the Sapling?
SC_Z24Q425119_6I am telling you, you've got bodies to move, but you need good eyes to look carefully.\n\nThere have been loud voices of outrage among the Alliance for many of your actions. Look at yourselves. You don't even need my old friend [113729|Maderoth] attacking you to lose yourselves in heavy disputes. No matter how many you are, you're all just ridiculously useless.\n\nAnd you're trying to protect your so-called secret. I think the deaf are the only ones who haven't heard about it, hahaha!
SC_Z24Q425119_7How much do you actually know about these matters?
SC_Z24Q425119_8It's of no importance how much I know. I know you haven't found the things you need for your ritual, which is definitely a bad thing for those big trees, those big lizards, and of course for you little maggots.\n\nYou should ask yourselves which issue is the most important.\n\nOh, have I said something about the ritual? How careless of me!
SC_Z24Q425119_9Tell me where the Sapling has been taken.
Sys425119_nameDemon's Request
Sys425119_szquest_accept_detailIt looks like this area suffered a serious attack...What to do next? Listen to [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond's] tone. It seems like he knows something. He doesn't want to let too many outsider know about the power of the Holy Tree Sapling, but it looks he's already seen through it. Unbelievable. \n\nFurthermore, I don't understand why you hate [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond], but, with the current situation where we don't know anything about the Holy Tree Sapling, and he might, then I would choose to ask for his help. I hope you don't mind.
Sys425119_szquest_complete_detail[120980|Sismond] is willing to help us find the real location of the Holy Tree Sapling? The Holy King has blessed us! \n\nHowever, you must enter the dangerous Guardian camp. Please be very careful...
Sys425119_szquest_descHelp [121039|Adamile] ask [120980|Sismond] about any information about the Holy Tree Sapling.