result count: 5

Sys425158_nameSelf Reliance
Sys425158_szquest_accept_detailIn the [ZONE_COALITION_PIONEERS_CAMP|Front Line Alliance Camp], the [ZONE_CENTRAL_KITCHEN|Central Kitchen] can supply everyone, those of us outside the camp have to feed ourselves...\n\nActually, the elves' food is not bad, but I feel like the performance of our warriors has declined since they stopped eating meat. In order for them to perform their best, I think it's time to give them some meat.\n\nCan you hunt some [<S>240967|Animal Meat] from some place nearby where animals can still be found?
Sys425158_szquest_complete_detailThis will feed the soldiers, but I hope the elves don't get angry...
Sys425158_szquest_descHunt near the camp for [240967|Animal Meat], then bring them back to Aren Commander [119871|Tablen Cage].
Sys425158_szquest_uncomplete_detailTake some more time!\n\nAn officer should sacrifice for his troops!