result count: 5

Sys425203_nameTreating the Oriel Brothers
Sys425203_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], we just received an urgent mission from the Order of Dark Glory Elite Commandos. I'd like you to take this [241206|Fresh Herbs] to the [ZONE_NAQUI_FRONT_LINES|Naghur's Front Lines] and continue healing our wounded soldiers.\n\nI hear you tended the Oriel brothers last time. Their old injuries have not healed and apparently they have acquired some new ones. I don't have time to go and treat them myself... [$playername], would you mind taking this [241206|Fresh Herbs] to them and using it on their injuries? I'd really appreciate it...[SC_ELF_CONVENTION|May the Holy King protect you.]
Sys425203_szquest_complete_detailYou must be exhausted. Are the Oriel brothers feeling better? Hopefully the [241206|Fresh Herbs] will speed up their recovery.
Sys425203_szquest_descTake the [241206|Fresh Herbs] to [ZONE_NAQUI_FRONT_LINES|Naghur's Front Lines] and treat the Oriel brothers.
Sys425203_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe three Oriel brothers are holed up in a very treacherous place. Be extra cautious on your mission...