result count: 5

Sys425205_nameStorage Cube
Sys425205_szquest_accept_detailThe next action will be dependent on your skills. The [<S>241207|Rune Storage Cubes] are in the [SC_INCEPTION|Production Plant]! \n\nAs far as we know, the army stationed at this [SC_INCEPTION|Production Plant] is a particular threat. Unfortunately, we don't have time to sit back and learn more details. \n\nOf course, everything depends on who you talk to. I have confidence in your abilities!
Sys425205_szquest_complete_detail[241207|Rune Storage Cube]... This is in fact what [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond] was asking for! \n\nBut... of course there is no way that we'll give the cube to that clown! \n\nWe have to first find out what that guy is up to...
Sys425205_szquest_descEnter the [SC_INCEPTION|Production Plant] and retrieve the [<S>241207|Rune Storage Cubes].
Sys425205_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt will soon be time to take action...\n\nIf there is no way to sneak in, we'll have to force our way in! \n\nWe must get the [<S>241207|Rune Storage Cubes]!