result count: 6

SC_425213_00Inform [120273|Papp Hesof] of the King's decision.
Sys425213_nameCritical Mission
Sys425213_szquest_accept_detailI should try to trust my own decisions and judgment more?\n\nBut the problems I am confronted with are so complicated...\n\nHow about you? Would you choose to trust [120858|Sismond]?
Sys425213_szquest_complete_detailHeh heh... [120274|Morrok Wallinder] clearly admires your enthusiasm.\n\nHe already set out for the enemy base...\n\nSo will we be leaving soon? The Order of Dark Glory is ready and raring to go!
Sys425213_szquest_descInform [120273|Papp Hesof] of the King's decision, then commence the stealth mission.
Sys425213_szquest_uncomplete_detailEr... How's the meeting going? Any decision yet?