result count: 6

SC_425248_LOSEYou lose! Abandon quest and start again.
Sys425248_nameRogue Challenge
Sys425248_szquest_accept_detail([120581|Leye Sahab] plays with a knife as he speaks.)\n\nThe [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] are tough customers, no doubt about it. There are so many of them, to say nothing of their attack strength. Add to that Maderoth's minions stirring up trouble... Honestly, it's hard to know where to begin in the [ZONE_QRICH_CAMP|Kulech Nest]. Outside it's a different matter. Comparing to the [<S>106727|Nest Guard Myrmex] who are good at fighting, those [<S>106728|Kulech Movers] make excellent targets... I'm sure you agree, [$playername]. I have an idea - Why don't we have a little competition. Let's see who can kill the most [<S>106728|Kulech Movers]. My record is 10 [<S>106728|Kulech Movers] in 10 minutes. If you can kill 10 in less than 10 minutes, then you win. Whadayasay?\n\nNo cheating allowed. To make sure you don't cheat...pull their feelers out as proof!
Sys425248_szquest_complete_detailWow! You're amazing! Well done. I have a new target in mind. We can compare the results later!
Sys425248_szquest_descBring back 10 pairs of [241193|Mover Feeler] within 10 minutes and give them to [120581|Leye Sahab].
Sys425248_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou've got to have some fun or you'll go crazy. We often hold this kind of contest. I've won quite a few times. Still, um, if you don't want to play that's okay. It's your decision. It's a free country.