result count: 11

SC_425249_CANTUSECannot recharge circle during combat
SC_425249_RECHARGE_01Help recharge the circle
SC_425249_RECHARGE_02Used for circle recharge. Not for use in other areas.
SC_425249_RECHARGE_03Circle recharge sequence error...
SC_425249_RECHARGE_04Recharge completed
SC_425249_RETAKE([120577|Forem Mone] tentatively gives you the [241196|Magic Circle Charge Rune])\n\nAs I remember it, it doesn't need that many [<S>241196|Magic Circle Charge Runes]. You're doing as I say, right?
Sys425249_nameHow to Hide a Camp
Sys425249_szquest_accept_detailThe circle's energy is depleted. Come over here, [$playername]. Take these 3 runestones and replace the energy consumed by circle operations. Recharge the circle starting from the outside and working in.\n\nWhatever you do, do not mess up the sequence. The cloaking circle here is a compound-type circle. Any error will interrupt the recharge. If the energy runs out at any point the camp will be exposed.\n\nOur camp stands at the center of the enemy line... You might say it occupies the perfect strategic position. If we lose the cloaking capabilities of the circle and are wiped out, it will be a mighty blow to the Alliance.
Sys425249_szquest_complete_detailAh...I sense that the circle is once again recharged... It wasn't easy building a nice camp in this precarious location. I'd hate to lose this cozy little nest.
Sys425249_szquest_descRecharge the [ZONE_VESTIGE_VEIL|Veiled Encampment] circle starting from the outside and working in, in accordance with [120577|Forem Mone's] instructions.
Sys425249_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe're fortunate to have this cave to cast our cloaking spells in. It means we can get very close to the enemy without being seen. Unfortunately, however, maintaining the circle takes an enormous amount of energy. If we don't find a way of saving energy soon, I'll be the one who runs out of energy and dies...