result count: 5

Sys425268_nameSupport the Omega Platform
Sys425268_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], you already know about that peculiar trait of the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech]. According to the true dragons, they are closely connected to the elemental flow. Killing them is tantamount to striking at the elemental flow itself. When they die, the elemental flow is damaged, producing an explosion of elemental energy that attracts nearby elemental creatures. The true dragons fear using their elemental dragon breath to kill them due to the possibility that the elemental flow could be irreparably harmed in the process. That means that it's up to us to stop them! Do you still remember how to use your elemental defense from before? When we fight the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech], it can help to reduce the overall amount of elemental damage. The bad news is that you just used the last one. \n\nWe established a [ZONE_OMEGA_PLANE|Omega Platform] on the battlefield that specializes in extracting [240797|Omega Crystal] from the hillside, which was in turn used to produce elemental defense potions. Although we were harassed ceaselessly by [<S>106612|Elite Remodeled Soldiers] that were sent by [106620|Naghur Soulshredder], our brothers never stopped the production process. But recently, [240797|Omega Crystal] production has slowed to a snail's pace, putting substantial pressure on the front lines. \n\n[$playername], I need you to go to [ZONE_OMEGA_PLANE|Omega Platform] and figure out what's going on and help them if needed.
Sys425268_szquest_complete_detailExcellent, [120492|Pete Maik] finally sent some help. It's a bit of a mess over here.
Sys425268_szquest_descAssist [120492|Pete Maik] by proceeding to the extraction platform, figuring out what's going on at the [ZONE_OMEGA_PLANE|Omega Platform], and lending a hand if needed.
Sys425268_szquest_uncomplete_detail[$playername], can you head to the [ZONE_OMEGA_PLANE|Omega Platform] and help out? The frontline is short on elemental defense potions, and this could lead to greater casualties. The [ZONE_OMEGA_PLANE|Omega Platform] is located on the cliffside above the Bloody Battlefield. The transport circle underneath will get you onto the platform. Please help!