result count: 7

SC_425272_PRESENT_01[120700|Planchett] wanted me to ask you about the gift.
SC_425272_PRESENT_02Gift? Ah, yes, that's right. I almost forgot...\n\n([120575|Banny] smiles awkwardly.)\n\nI'm not usually so absent-minded, but things pile up... You know how it is. Please take this [241272|Present for Babbats] to [120700|Planchett] for me.
Sys425272_nameFriendly Interaction
Sys425272_szquest_accept_detail([120700|Planchett] lowers his voice.)\n\nContrary to popular belief, the researchers and mages in the [ZONE_KALTUROK_NEST|Garon Nest] do have a basic understanding of social niceties. They frequently organize gifts for [120519|Babbats], as a symbol of the friendship between us and the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon]. To some extent the gifts are also compensation for the all disturbance caused by our experiments. Usually we leave the gifts with [120575|Banny]. Sometimes I go and fetch them or she brings them here, whoever has the time. Still, it's easy to forget when you're busy. Would you go and ask [120575|Banny] if the gift is ready yet?
Sys425272_szquest_complete_detailThis carefully wrapped parcel was stuffed in the corner and forgotten? That sounds just like [120575|Banny]. Still, only she seems to know which gifts are most appropriate. I doubt anyone else could do a better job.
Sys425272_szquest_descGo and get the [241272|Present for Babbats] for [120700|Planchett] from [120575|Banny].
Sys425272_szquest_uncomplete_detail[120575|Banny] is conscientious but also very forgetful. I'd say she's probably forgotten.