result count: 5

Sys425283_nameGaron's Mutation
Sys425283_szquest_accept_detailOh, [$playername]. I've got just the thing for you.\n\nThere is a treatment area for [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] outside the ant nest, but owing to the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Kulech's] special properties, the area is manifesting some strange kind of elemental flux. \n\nWith the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] battle intensifying by the day, more and more of the wounded are ending up there. But this elemental chaos is starting to produce monsters. I want you to go and help [120575|Banny] clear out these elementals. That way, people can resume their research and the Alliance can get the information it needs to wage war against the Myrmex.
Sys425283_szquest_complete_detail[$playername], have you witnessed the instant an elemental is produced? This is important information and [120573|Suzy Kesta] should be very interested.
Sys425283_szquest_descElementals have appeared in the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] treatment area. After eliminating them, retrieve their [<S>241483|Elemental Crystals]. This should provide some clues about the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon].
Sys425283_szquest_uncomplete_detail([120575|Banny] wears an expression of panic and nervous exhaustion)\n\nAh... May the Holy King give us his blessings...