result count: 5

Sys425298_nameLocal Supplement Supplies
Sys425298_szquest_accept_detailSupplies! We need to stockpile more supplies!\n\nThe scheduled Alliance supply delivery is still a long way off, and our backup supplies are almost gone! [$playername], the situation isn't very optimistic. We are in urgent need of large quantities of food and water. Do you remember where to get food and water? Go find [<S>120768|Bigtooth Cacti] and [<S>120769|Scarlet Cacti] to get enough water, then collect [106515|Gloomy Mutant Grass] blades!
Sys425298_szquest_complete_detailVery good, [$playername]. This should be enough to last until supplies arrive, but we still can't relax. I'll ask for your help when we need more.
Sys425298_szquest_descGet some [241227|Sweet Water] from [<S>120768|Bigtooth Cacti] and [<S>120769|Scarlet Cacti], and take some [<S>241228|Mutant Grass Blades] from [<S>106515|Gloomy Mutant Grass].
Sys425298_szquest_uncomplete_detailDon't dawdle. If there's not enough food, morale will suffer, you know?