result count: 7

SC_425311_WRONG_COMBATIf you wish to extract [<S>240797|Omega Crystals], you need to concentrate!
SC_425311_WRONG_POSYou must stand next to a [120602|Omega Extractor]...
Sys425311_nameThe Key Crystal
Sys425311_szquest_accept_detailThese cursed [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech]! They're not only tough, but they attract elemental creatures after they die. And that's if you're lucky; sometimes they just explode!\n\nThis makes it hard for us warriors to deal with. We need [240797|Omega Crystal] to raise our elemental defense! But manpower is tight... Help us with the extraction process! Just remember to be careful with those [<S>106772|Omega Invaders].
Sys425311_szquest_complete_detailWhat efficiency! If things keep up like this, the soldiers will have a fighting chance!
Sys425311_szquest_descUse an [209466|Omega Extraction Rune] next to a [120602|Omega Extractor] to extract [<S>240797|Omega Crystals].
Sys425311_szquest_uncomplete_detailManpower is low, so you should help with the extraction process! The warriors down below are counting on us!