result count: 13

SC_QUEST425400_00(You make your teleportation request to <CY>[121111|Anderson Suon]</CY>...) \n\nYou don't have any <CY>[241327|Holy Tree Fruit]</CY>? Then... I'm afraid we can't offer assistance to you. \n\nAt the current time, the stability of the passageway depends on <CY>[241327|Holy Tree Fruit]</CY> to be maintained. \n\nOtherwise... a gap will appear in the passageway... And who knows what will happen? \n\nThen... it will be very dangerous indeed!\n\n<CY>([241327|Holy Tree Fruit] can be obtained from the quests from [121214|Olotia].)</CY>
SC_QUEST425400_01(You make your teleportation request to <CY>[121111|Anderson Suon]</CY>...) \n\nIs that master <CY>[121112|Tannis Bennet]</CY> of the <CY>[SC_EYEOFWISDOM|Eye of Wisdom]</CY>? \n\nOnce you've confirmed it, I'll immediately send a signal to the [ZONE_RESEARCH_CENTER|Research Center].
SC_QUEST425400_02The Ailic's Aide, [121111|Anderson Suon], is starting an image transmission...
SC_QUEST425400_03The energy of the [241327|Holy Tree Fruit] has almost been depleted. The image transmission has ended...
SC_QUEST425400_04I will begin the image teleport.
SC_QUEST425400_05Special Envoy... go now!
SC_QUEST425400_06I will meet you at the [ZONE_ANOMALY_SURVEY_CAMP|Anomaly Observation Camp].
SC_QUEST425400_07Special Envoy... The situation doesn't look good... !
SC_QUEST425400_08Master Will... was ambushed by the enemy!
Sys425400_nameKnow Thyself
Sys425400_szquest_accept_detailIt seems... that equipment transport through this area is stable. \n\nLet's split up to save time! \n\nFirst go and establish communication with the Head of the Elemental Order, [121112|Tannis Bennet]. He should be able to provide us with a lot of information. \n\nI'll take the cubes to [ZONE_ANOMALY_SURVEY_CAMP|Anomaly Observation Camp]. The Ailic Researchers there should be able to provide information as well.
Sys425400_szquest_complete_detail(You ask [121112|Tannis Bennet] for information about [241207|Rune Storage Cube]...) \n\n[241207|Rune Storage Cube]... This is equipment used by the Guardians to collect and store energy. \n\nYes... As far as I know, this equipment doesn't serve any other special function. \n\nCould it be... that you have made some new discovery... ?!\n\nWell, the [ZONE_RESEARCH_CENTER|Research Center] still needs sample to conduct a full investigation. Otherwise, we won't be able to provide any suggestions or assistance.
Sys425400_szquest_descRequest help from the Ailic's Aides and establish communication with [121112|Tannis Bennet].